Meet Danny

Danny Wiebe keeps his eyes on his favourite hobbies here at Sherbrooke

His Story


When Danny finds something he likes, he puts his heart and soul into it! Danny has been a longtime member of the Sherbrooke Shutterbugs Photography Group and has a keen eye for how to compose the perfect photo. He is also big Metallica fan and was headbanging to the band’s music when they played a concert in Saskatoon a few years ago. Danny also has one of the bigget Hot Wheels collections in Saskatchewan with over 3,000 unique cars in his collection. He recently shared his collection with Elders and staff in our Tawaw Centre where our community was able to celebrate Danny’s passion!

Welcome to Sherbrooke Community Centre

Saskatoon’s Sherbrooke Community Centre is a long term care home. Our mission is to create a community that supports each person to live a full and abundant life. We are a registered Eden Alternative® Care Home that follows the Eden Alternative Philosophy of Care and are committed to fighting the three plagues of long term care: loneliness, helplessness and boredom. There are 263 residents, 100 Community Day Program participants, volunteers, families, students, pets, and over 500 staff at Sherbrooke.

We have three principles that guide all community members in the provisions of care and service for residents and community day program participants:

Individuality – Each person is embraced as an individual with unique abilities, characteristics, choices, needs and opportunities for growth.

Normalcy – What is normal for a person based on their unique life experiences, relationships, culture, and society.

Reality – Care, while based on individuality and normalcy, is practical, appropriate and delivered within available resources.


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