The Sherbrooke Difference

One of the very important differences at Sherbrooke is that care and service is resident directed not just resident centered. This means that residents direct their own lives, and staff support them in their choices. A resident-centered approach implies the care team makes decisions for the residents that they believe are in the residents’ best interests.

The Eden Alternative ® Philosophy

The Eden Alternative ® is a unique way of thinking about Elder care and has the potential to remake facilities and communities. It is a tool for improving the quality of life for people who live in long-term care homes or are isolated in the community.

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The Sherbrooke Village Model

The Sherbrooke Village Model creates small homes for residents that are residential in style, where they have control over how they spend their time, and continue to have meaning and purpose in their day to day lives.


Community Features

Whether shopping at Tumbleweed Gift and Thrift Shop, participating in activities at the Oak Trees and Acorns Childcare Centre, creating art in the studio, or dining with good friends and family, our community offers many exciting opportunities.


Eden Alternative ® is a registered trademark, and Sherbrooke Community Centre is a registered Eden Alternative ® home. Learn more at


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